If you already have an account, please Log In. Otherwise, select a plan below to purchase a subscription.
Monthly: $19.99
Monthly: $39.98
Monthly: $59.97
Monthly: $79.96
Monthly: $99.95
Monthly: $119.94
Annual: $199.99
Annual: $399.98
Annual: $599.97
Annual: $799.96
Annual: $999.95
Annual: $1,199.94
Existing Member? Login
Cinema Savant is the perfect way to watch as many movies as you want, up to one a day. Using the app or our website, guests can save their seats for any new release and most classic screenings. Guests can choose between monthly and annual plans.
You can use your Cinema Savant membership to watch one movie per day. Guests can purchase companion seats at full price during the check out process.
If you reserve a seat in advance and realize you are unable to attend the screening, please refund your ticket by clicking here. Guests who miss the movie without canceling their tickets may risk having their Cinema Savant membership canceled.
To use your Cinema Savant membership, select a showtime and seat. Cinema Savant members must choose the special "Cinema Savant" option from the dropdown menu during the ticketing checkout process. Special events and live screenings are not applicable with the Cinema Savant program. Standard online convenience fees apply.